According to the World Economic Forum Gender Gap Report 2021, the gap created between males and females in the business world leads to inequalities in our society. We are all responsible for driving change, at Ampowr, we take responsibility for reducing this gap, and establishing our global workplaces as a diverse environment.

In the previous years, there has been an increase in social movements to reduce the gender gap in certain regions such as the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia in order to gain more visibility and keep empowering new female generations. We are highly committed to recruiting, developing, and promoting a diverse workforce while providing promising career opportunities across our organization. How is Ampowr committed to reducing the gap?

It has been reported by official sources that in certain regions such as the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, the gap is further accentuated.

Ampowr’s Asia office is run by women.

China occupies one of the bottom positions in the ranking of the gender gap, with an index score of 0.68 in the Global Gender Gap Score. This impacts not only society but also business organizations. The previous situation has triggered a challenge for women in Asia to lead or run a business as men are still in the vast majority of high-paying jobs. In addition to this, the gap is not only inside the business organizations, it is also visible when it comes to entrepreneurship and getting funds and investors to run a new company.

Ampowr is committed to society drawing a line out of the standards. Our China office is 100% run by women, including C-level. Moreover, our vacancies are fully committed to empower new female generations and offering the opportunity to grow their professional careers in a forward-looking business.

Maxine Cheung, the Director in Asia, explains her view as a woman leader:

“A can-do attitude is what I want to see in people. Look at problems but more importantly, always look for solutions. Challenges only help to build you up. At Ampowr, me and my Asian team embrace challenges because betterness is an ongoing game.”

100% Women led Battery Category.

Ampowr battery category is fully run by women, from the engineering department, and business development to operations. Engineering may perhaps be the most male-dominated profession, with women making up only 13% of the entire workforce. One of the points where Ampowr is committed is to bring talent from disciplines that would typically be male-dominated, such as engineering.

Buse Ciniviz, engineering in Battery Category.

“As a female engineer in a male-oriented discipline, I faced some challenges. For instance, there were job descriptions that they wanted a male engineer to fill the position. In addition to this, during interviews, they ask if you are married or do you want to have a baby because they will not hire you if you are pregnant. I managed to find a job based on my knowledge and skills, not based on my personal life.”

Mentoring to boost women leaders.

At Ampowr we have a mentoring program for skilled women to grow in their professional careers guiding them to build the next generation of female leaders. Finding an advocate within the senior leadership circles can help high-potential women to achieve the deserved access and visibility within an organization.

Support during the entire women’s journey at Ampowr.

We also fully support women during the maternity phase together with our flex working policy. In this case, Ampowr leaders play a relevant role in maintaining an environment where women can grow in their careers and keep exploring their potential.

In short, through various initiatives, we aim to retain and empower talented women at Ampowr and we strongly believe that no woman should be left behind. It is in the initiative of all Ampowr employees to actively take part in the previous initiatives mentioned to help to narrow this gap.

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