Reduce excessive CO2 emissions in business by switching to renewable energy sources.
Black Friday brings a lot of excitement for so many people however the reality shows that there is a major climate drawback that comes with it, hurting the planet with our buyer attitudes.

During this period 429,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions were emitted last year. The overall carbon footprint calculation of one product needs to include the emission generated from the first raw material through the entire manufacturing process. In addition to this, the returned shipments of products not wanted must be included, and in this case, the rate is higher than average compared to other periods.
The trend of carbon emission has been reduced in the previous years because of the effect at an economic level of coronavirus. However, as a society, we have the responsibility to keep decreasing these figures.
At a company level, there are established and regulated procedures and protocols for the industry that can be implemented in order to reduce carbon emissions considerably.
Switching to more renewable energy sources has a positive impact. Alternatives and greener energy sources together with energy storage systems at large scale are helping current businesses considerably to decrease carbon emissions as well as the energy costs of a business.
Business case: distribution center of Telesuper Coop
“With the high energy requirements and shortages everywhere, there is more need for energy solutions than ever before. I think that having your own energy storage system is the best way to solve these energy problems in a decentralized way. At Telesuper Coop, we feel it is our duty to lead innovative solutions in our sector. We are very innovation-driven and always strive to find cutting-edge technology. This mindset and way of working gives us a lot of energy, which powered our drive to be the first distribution center to install a 1MW+ Energy Storage System (AmpiFARM™).”
The AmpiFARM™ (Energy Storage System) used by Telesuper Coop provides a glimpse into the future and what the energy transition is all about. Many companies are looking for sustainable, smart solutions for the generation and use of electricity. These solutions are not only financially beneficial but also contribute to the future of our planet by reducing our carbon footprint.
Boosting the energy transition of your business will help to offset part of the carbon footprint generated. We, as individuals, should think twice and be responsible for our own purchases but also try to inspire your network to act in the same way. Businesses and individuals must drive together toward the energy transition. Our strategy aims to align with an ever-changing world, and it is important for us to grow with it.
We want to inspire different industries as a whole to act responsibly and contribute to solving world climate challenges.